Enchanted Lights

My love for Christmas has ebbed and flowed through the years; when I was working retail I hated it. Between the long hours, crabby customers and the mess in the toy isles, it wasn’t hard to dislike it.

Since those days I have gotten quite found of the season again. I can hit the mall if I want to or watch Christmas movies until the cows come home. I have hosted a dinner party for several years, decking out my place until it looked like St Nick himself threw up over everything.

This year I was finally able to take in Rock City’s Enchanted Lights. The place is cheesy but spending time surrounded by twinkle lights makes me very happy. Chandler and I went this evening to take it all in, be silly and for me, take pictures even though the settings on my point and shoot aren’t the best.

But here are just a few that I will share with you. . .


Gingerbread House
Chandler and me

If I have some time tomorrow I just might try to edit the other pictures to share. Happy Holidays!



What you see is what you get; I am a Nashville girl who is single, again. I use the blog to get my inner, tortured, wanna be writer angst out. One day I just may write a book. I have been stumbling through life for 43 years now, I love to cook, read and figure out more embarrassing ways I can either harm myself (thank you hula hoop of 2010 and the case of the thrown back) or just prove how inept I am at household chores and dieting. The people you read about on here are real but most have had their names changed to protect the innocent and not so innocent. And I really should make a list of them so I can remember! Enjoy, read, mock, laugh and comment, it really isn't difficult. Plus, I would prefer reading comments from real people as opposed to the weird spam comments I keep getting. Plus, I will always find the hardest path to follow and take that one, why would anyone want to take the easy way?!

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