Tuesday Randomness

I think I have finally caught up on my sleep, well, I am getting close to it. I was afraid that with all the delays on Friday I might not make it back home until sometime this week. . . But I am not bitter. . .

  • I don’t think I will be flying United for a while, I was delayed two hours out of Des Moines which turned into watching my flight to Nashville take off while we were waiting for a gate in Chicago
  • Someone needs to explain to me why they used the big planes for my outbound flights on Sunday but chose to use smaller planes coming back on Friday
  • It was a Friday afternoon, when everyone and their brother are flying and they chose the smaller planes
  • I have never come across a more disgruntled group of employees than those of United
  • My cat has now taken up residence on me, bless that little gray guy, he missed me terribly
  • I managed to have a pretty good French meal in Des Moines, huh? It is nice to see the unexpected
  • My apartment is still clean, no comments from the peanut gallery
  • I am getting back into my cooking groove
  • Working out, not so much, I know, I know
  • I am still loving America’s Got Talent
  • I think I shamed one of my guy friends into getting a pedi
  • We went for said pedis this past Saturday, I am still laughing
  • Football, football, football, I can’t wait, I can smell it in the air

Now I am going to look at my draft list, I need to figure out my fantasy football draft, dear me, I hope I do better this year.