Show Us Your Life: Non Mommy Bloggers

I am linking up to Kelly’s Korner ( this week for Show Us Your Life: Non Mommy Bloggers. Thanks Kelly for turning the spotlight on the bloggers with no kiddos!

I started blogging a few years ago as a way to get that unpublished writer angst out of my system. Having gone through two prior blogs that have since died away, I was certain that this latest effort would go the way of the 8-Track, cassette tape and albums. But somehow I have managed to keep this one going, finding a groove, a muse and having no shame whatsoever when it comes to making a fool out of myself. I have also dealt with my parents finding the blog, a guy that I was dating always read it and I recently let the boy have the address so he could see just how much of a goober I am.

The blog is basically about me stumbling through life. I am a klutz and looking back on choices I have made for my career as well as my love life, it seems to be true that I am stumbling around there as well. I tend to use humor as my defense mechanism, I am sarcastic and have a not so healthy love affair with food.

I try to blog two to three times a week, one is always on Tuesdays and is titled Tuesday Randomness. I had hit a slump in writing and was a bit lazy at the beginning of summer. I thought bullet points about a bunch of different things would be good blog fodder and the next thing I know, I have made it into a weekly feature. It really is random and comes down to me talking about random tidbits, complaints about silly things and an update on my exercise program.

I don’t talk about my job because I don’t want to be Dooced for writing about it, sorry! I do write about my love life, well it is nonexistent at the moment but the guys have been given nicknames. I do this with some of my friends as well. While I have no problem making fun of myself and talking about the latest that I have gotten into, my friends and even sometimes a love interest did not sign on for this little ride. So to protect their identity, they get names. Bubba actually likes his, the boy hates his and Chandler was cool with his. My friends sometimes have a say in their blog names but for the most part it is normally a descriptor for their real name or a part of their personality.

I have a cat named Wookie who is an absolute mess and spoiled beyond belief. He is 12 and was a rescue. He loves everyone with the exception of my parents (I am not sure why, but they just don’t care for each other) and small kids (a toddler stepped on him when he was a kitten, he remembers this). He also thinks he is part dog and part billy goat. My baby loves to play fetch, cuddle up with me and chew on cords. Although I think he has finally gotten tired of chewing on cords. At least I hope so.

I love to read, watch movies and cook. After hitting rock bottom in August in terms of eating and my weight, I am working out daily (somewhat inspirational emails and pep talks from the boy but mostly it is the shopping trip in December that I am working towards), watch what I eat and am focused on getting the fat off.

Maybe someday this blog can turn into a mommy blog but for now, it is all about me, how I see the world and the random bodily injuries that I seem to collect (threw my back out last summer hula hooping, torn calf muscle when walking across a street, butter dish to the thumb incident while in high school). Sometimes being single is tough but I have to say I wouldn’t trade my life for anyone else’s. Well, maybe trade my shoes for SJP shoes or something similar.

Have a look around, leave a comment, laugh.